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Grant Street Orchestra / Beat Horizon

Eric Bettencourt / Amanda Gervasi

Benefit for The Atlantic House Fire Victims

Heart Shaped Rock / Clubber Lang / Atomic Trash

Hessian / Sun Gods In Exile

Jesse Pilgrim and the Bonfire / Background / The Miserable Nothings

Monarch / Bloody Panda / Falls Of Rauros

Lovewhip / Streight Angular / Zayde Buti

Crash Barry / Shana Barry / Thithy Bwown

HillyTown Presents: Acoustic Night w/ Jacob Augustin + Denise Dill + Nate Martinez + Marie Moreshead + D. Gross

Scratchpad Reading Series #4

HillyTown Presents: December 9 Acoustic @ Mayo Street!

Oh hello readers of HillyTown. Here’s a little show announcement for you! On Thursday, December 9th, we’ll be hosting a show at Mayo Street Arts in East Bayside, Portland. The all ages, 8pm, $5 show will feature all acoustic performers, including Jacob Augustine, Denise Dill, D. Gross, Marie Moreshead (replacing Sugar Hiccup), and Nate […]

Another Lady Lamb Video

This time it’s a bit more official than the shaky live video I posted the other day. Apparently Aly has made it down to Brooklyn, where she filmed this single-take video for “Between Two Trees.” Check it out:


Marie Stella / Hyena / Greg Hartunian / Biff Muff

Clinic / The Fresh & Onlys / In the Audience