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Group Hug Productions

Strause & Company / Meantone Blues

Phantom Buffalo / Old Abram Brown

Darien Brahms / Lady Zen

Key Change: Music For Libby Mitchell

Chuck Prophet

Marie Stella / Villanelles / Theodore Treehouse

Greendrinks Is TONIGHT At Bayside Bowl!

Don’t be scared. If it’s OK to drink on a Tuesday (the usual monthly day of the week for Portland Greendrinks), then a Monday is just as acceptable. Give it a shot tonight as the networking event brings its kegs to Bayside Bowl, at 58 Alder Street in Portland. As usual, the event starts […]

Sean Mencher and His Rhythm Kings

Acadia Sessions: Batshelter / Baltic Sea

Grand Hotel / the Lucid / Nice Places

Brenda / The Rattlesnakes

Jakob Battick & Friends [cd release] / Jacob And The House Of Fire / Billy Libby / Jesse Pilgrim And The Bonfire

Honey Clouds / Broadcaster / if and it

Marie Stella (cd release show) / the Art Of Shooting (NYC) / Dead Man\’s Clothes