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The Daredevil Christopher Wright / Phantom Buffalo / Twain

Paul Masson / The Points North

Pearl & The Beard / Dan Blakeslee / Gregory Jamie (o\\\’death/Blood Warrior)

the Honey Clouds / Tan Vampires

The Toughcats

Willie Nelson & Family

The Hot Tarts / Covered In Bees

the Subway Surfers / the Heeby-Jeebies / the New 45s

The Dooryard Presents: The Interviewer / In The Pines / Heroes For Trade

Lovewhip / Computer At Sea / El Grande

Sydney\’s Birthday Party: Marie Stella + Wesley Hartley & the Traveling Trees

Building Of Song: Lady Lamb The Beekeeper / Eric Bettencourt / Denise Dill

Dan Kaplan / Leland Sundries

Mama’s Crow Bar Gets Signed, Scratchpad #2 Announced

The other day I noticed that the confusion-inducing Awful Annie’s sign above 189 Congress Street has finally been replaced with the bar’s current name: Mama’s Crow Bar. This is great news, as it’s been difficult to make sure that people know what bar you’re talking about, depending on the name they know it by […]

KahBanging Out A Lineup

The first batch of bands for this year’s (expanded!) KahBang Festival in Bangor (August 6-14) has been announced and it’s definitely off to a strong start! This year you can expect to see OK Go, Biz Markie, Free Energy, The Gay Blades (thankfully returning after melting faces last year), Bad Rabbits, The Aviation Orange, Hey […]