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Roundup. Best Read With A Cookie. [May 9-15]

Did you catch the first of our new contributor Biscuit Wakefield’s chocolate chip cookie reviews? HillyTown aint just music, after all.

The Maine Comic Arts Festival is happening this Sunday, May 17! Head to the Ocean Gateway to meet some of your favorite comic artist and check out the panels and workshops they’re offering! In […]

Portland Cookie Review: North Star Cafe

review by Biscuit Wakefield

North Star Music Cafe Chocolate-Chip Walnut (not vegan) $1.75 + tax

This hefty cookie is no lightweight snack: measuring just over four inches across, it stands up to dunking in cold milk, hot coffee, or both. The thick, chewy interior is pleasant, though the edges wobble on the line between […]

Josef Van Wizzem / Cursillistas / Tom K

Totally Ripped / Sex Negative / Cloud Buster / Tempera

Cracker / Chris Baron (Spin Doctors)

Jucifer / Planeside / Murder Van

48 Hour Music Festival Fundraiser: Vicious Blow / Knocked Up By Wolves / Prism Camp

Confusatron / Bat Shelter / Hospital Grade

The Scrapes (last show) / Computer At Sea / Goatman and The Grunches / The Ancient Feelings

Blisters Grow / Computer At Sea



Dali’s Liquid Ladies: Welcome to the Surrealist Funhouse / Over A Cardboard SEa

The Sounds photo gallery (+micro Roundup)

A week ago, Swedish band The Sounds tore through Portland, treating Port City Music Hall like the biggest arena in the world. Their show may have been a bit over the top, but hey, it sure looked and sounded great!

Check out the full photo gallery from the show (which also included openers Hey […]

Tower Of Song Fundraiser: Jesse Pilgrim / Johnny Fountain / Gabrielle Raymond (Anna’s Ghost) / Blaque Boose