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Tune-Yards / Kurt Weisman / Happy Birthday

Neil Shah

Pavement At The State Theater In 2010.

Ok so maybe there aren’t (public) plans to reopen the State Theater and Pavement definitely haven’t added a Portland date to their 2010 reunion tour (so far just two NYC dates have been announced and gone on sale – though with them over a year away there’s plenty of time for more to be added), […]

Big Bang TV / Dead End Armoy / Isobell

The Ducky Boys / Everybody Out! / Confront / The Morgan Knockers

Dylan Bredeau / Teenage Cool Kids / Daniel Striped Tiger / Swear Jar

[sold out] Matt And Kim / Phantom Buffalo

Dan Blakeslee / The Accident That Led Me To The World / Cahalen Morrison

Brad Hoshaw & The Seven Deadlies

Arborea / Silver Summit / White Lodge

Louis Ledford / Brooke Brown Seracino

Minus The Bear

Dominic & The Lucid / Johnny Fountain / Sarh Blacker

Eric Bettencourt (cd release) / Giraffe Attack / Jacob Augustine / Amanda Gervasi

Inside Ron Harrity’s New Studio With Liberation By Sound

Liberation By Sound host DJ Roy recently visited the new studio in South Portland built by Ron Harrity (Peapod/PICNIC/Honey Clouds), and along with DJ Miles got some inside info on the construction of this professional studio in a residential neighborhood. Check it out:
