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KahBang 2010 Photo Recap

Who were your favorite acts at KahBang this year? I’m curious to hear about how the Film & Art aspect of the expanded festival was this year. Let us know in the comments! All photos in the (alphabetical) post by Conall O’Brien.


Block Party Afterweirdness: Rattlesnakes / Antiseptic / Have Fun

New Planets Around the Sun Video

HillyTown exclusive! New video from Portland psych-drone collective Planets Around The Sun (directed by the band’s own M. Lajoie). The song is “Sunshooter” off their upcoming album Ram Of Heart Check it out:

See the band live next weekend on Saturday, 8/27, at the Frontier Cafe in Brunswick, ME in conjunction with a screening […]

New Phantom Buffalo Album THIS WEEKEND

You know I love Phantom Buffalo, and I hope you do too. Tomorrow night sees the release of their long-awaited new album, Cement Postcard With Owl Colors with a show at Empire (Same Basic Bear and Chris And The Instant Animals open). Get a preview of the new (or at least newly released on record) […]

Robert Stillman / Kurt Weisman / Micah Blue Smaldone / poetry by Emma N. Young

Acadia Sessions: Batshelter / Baltic Sea

Matt Weston / id m theft able

Dan-a-palooza (Dan Knudsen)

Bird Organ / Mystic Out Bop Review / Silverman, Samu, McLellan

Rythem Method / Joshua DeScherer / Prehistoric Horse

Isa Christ / Kyle Clyde / Hott Tubb / Endless Caverns

Woods / MV&EE / Herbcraft

Metal Feathers / Brenda / Doomstar!

Moody Lords Coming To Congress Street

Now that Time-Lag/Iele Tree has closed up shop, a new business is coming to the Arts District in Portland, right above Strange Maine.

On Wednesday, September 1st, Moody Lords will hold their grand opening at 578 Congress St. #2F in Portland, Maine. A new collective will take over the spot, maintaining a similarly eclectic, […]

Moody Lords Fundraiser: Boondocks / Dynamo P. / DJ Rew / The Lin / Slouch / Slop / Alt / Adam B.