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SXSW Music: Yellow Ostrich

I saw a lot of great bands a SXSW this year, so I’ll keep working on sharing that with you. Here’s another one!

Band: Yellow Ostrich / Hometown:NYC Show: Billions / Venue: Antone’s / Date: 3/18

Alex Schaaf is a resourceful man. When we first encountered his project, Yellow Ostrich, it was a solo […]

Outdoor Concerts In Portland: the City and KahBang

Funny timing… today official word came in that folks at KahBang (the Bangor music and arts festival happening August 5-13) will be bringing a summer concert series to the Maine State Pier from June to September. The group plans to make announcements including the lineup and ticket sales info in the upcoming weeks. Refresh your […]

Neon Trees

PMF Music Industry And Community Night

This looks like a great chance for musicians, music fans, promoters, venue representatives, and anybody involved or interested in our exciting local music scene to come out and meet and share ideas. Monday, April 25 at Bayside Bowl, the Portland Music Foundation will host a Music Industry and Community Night beginning at 7pm. Bonus […]

HillyTown Presents: Miniboone / Theodore Treehouse / When Particles Collide

Old Night / Stinky P-Face / Hoboe


This Sunday is your opportunity to make some fast cash. No, this isn’t some money-making scheme, it’s a “collaborative public dinner event and democratic experiment in micro-funding for creative projects in Portland.” Got your attention?

The first event of its kind here in Portland, Maine, SOUP is modeled after the event by the […]

Marie Stella / The Gay Blades / If And It

WTF: Solace Media Corporation Tourists / Twilight People / Skeet Shooters / Bird Organ + Greg Kowalski

WTF: Spike / Killick / Shonny Baby Cry Cry

Portugal. The Man / Telekenisis

New FREE Foam Castles EP

I momentarily blew the lid on this one yesterday, before I realized that the band was trying to keep it secret (but like I told front man Tyler Jackson – “If it’s on the internet, people can find it”), but now you can officially stream, download, and generally get down with a brand new […]

Photos: STRFKR at SPACE (+ more)



I love a good dance party. That’s exactly what tonight’s show at SPACE turned into. From the Vistas kicking it off and keeping things moving between bands with a sweet mix of samples and beats both familiar and new (come experience their full-on party abilities with us April 30 in Belfast) to […]

Free Range Fest + HillyTown Afterparty!

click for full poster

We’ve been hinting at this for a while now, and we’re psyched to finally be able to announce it.

HillyTown Presents the Free Range Fest Afterparty! Starting at 10pm and open to guests 21+, the party will go down at Three Tides – an excellent bar with great food, beer, and a gorgeous outdoor […]


Some of you might be asking this question about the show happening tonight at SPACE Gallery…

STRFKR After The Jump Fest CMJ Showcase, October 2008 – Knitting Factory, NYC

It’s been a while since I’ve seen STRFKR live. The last time was where the above photo was taken, when the band played a […]