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Artie Appleseed / You Won\’t / Mango Floss / Heavy on the Juice

Melissa Ferrick / Audrey Ryan

Jacob Cuff / Christian Cuff / ANNA/ A Model Airplane

Brown Bird Interview

This Friday, Brown Bird returns to SPACE Gallery along with o’death (who by now you should be quite familiar with). Tickets are available online and at Bull Moose.

Brown Bird at PCMH – photo by Huck Photography

Interview with David Lamb and MorganEve Swain (aka BrownBird) by Andrew Lapham Fersch

What has Brown Bird […]

COKE WEED / Vite Vite Brigitte / Max Hansen


Rural Electric CD Release Party

Farewell Wesley

HillyTown Presented in Brooklyn [1.12.12]

Last night, HillyTown Presents landed in Brooklyn, New York. Portland’s Butcher Boy and their Boston-based tourmates The Cowboy Band joined Brooklyn locals The Goddamn Rattlesnake for an exciting night of music at Union Hall in Park Slope. We have two more shows coming up at the venue: 1/31 with A Severe Joy and 2/22 […]

Lost in the Trees / Poor Moon

The Bad Luck Bazaar

Theodore Treehouse Masquerade Ball / Marion Grace

Grant Street Orchestra / Les Racquet (Brooklyn)


Black Taxi