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Johnny Fountain / Aly Spaltro (Lady Lamb the Beekeeper) / Denise Dill / Meghan Yates / Amanda Gervasi

Tower Of Song Fest: Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

If you’ve been paying any amount of attention to the Portland music scene (or, in particular, this site) for the past 6 months or so, then you’ve probably become fairly well-acquainted with the quirky experimental pop duo of Lady Lamb The Beekeeper. They first caught my attention back in November and have only gotten better, […]

stephaniesid / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Lady Lamb The Beekeeper / Feel It Robot

Phoenix Best Of Portland

Record Store Day: Lady Lamb The Beekeeper / Brenda / Covered In Bees / Ghosthunter / H

Isobell (cd release) / Phantom Buffalo / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Sister Suvi / Shapes And Sizes / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Photos: Lady Lamb The Beekeeper + Paper Birds at Meg Perry Center

At Sunday night’s show at Meg Perry Center in Portland, Lady Lamb The Beekeeper played what was supposedly their last show for a few months. The Brunwick/Old Orchard Beach duo plan to spend the next two or three months focusing on writing and recording new songs. It’s been a great streak for the band […]

Plains / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper / The Divorced

The Cambiata / Fly Upright Kite / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

This Band Has Buzz

Most of the time my task of entering bands’ shows into the Hillytown calendar only takes a few minutes, as many of the bands around Portland rarely have more than one or two shows coming up at any given time (obviously we’re talking about the original bands, not the cover bands, who seem to […]

Lady Lamb The Beekeeper / Johnny Fountain

Lady Lamb The Beekeeper / Dead End Armory

Saint Solitude / Lady Lamb the Beekeeper / Holy Moly! (Brooklyn) / Marie Stella