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Brenda / The Rattlesnakes

RattleSnakes (cd release) / Foam Castles / Lapsed Axis

Screaming Females / Marie Stella / Rattlesnakes

PICNIC Benefit

The Rattlesnakes / The Dirty Secrets

Honey Clouds (cd release) / Gully / The Rattlesnakes

Rattlin’ Roundup (April 18-24)

Update: Just heard from Dup Crosson of Saint Solitude with the bad news that his tour started off with a good show but a bad end to the night: his car window was smashed and many personal items were stolen, including clothes, cd’s, and all of the merch that he had with him to sell […]

Marie Stella / Screaming Females / The Rattlesnakes

Gully / Rattlesnakes / Mink Wilde

I, Barbarian / The Rattlesnakes

MISSION OF BURMA / Huak / the Rattlesnakes

Rattlesnakes / Witches / A Primitive & Savage Land