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Anna\’s Ghost [CD release] / Dead Man\’s Clothes

Run On Sentence / Computer At Sea / Octopus + Spider


This weekend (specifically Saturday, September 12) is the PICNIC Music And Arts Festival in Lincoln Park here in Portland, Maine. The free event runs from 11am to 6pm and will feature an eclectic assortment of vendors and bands. [Note: I will be there with a table for Portland Pins and my photo work, as […]

Amanda Palmer (Dresden Dolls) / Nervous Cabaret

Selbyville + Tica Douglas


If you happened to walk past the front window/gallery of Port City Music Hall during First Friday (chances are you did, judging by the huge amounts of people out and about that night), then you probably noticed this interesting piece. Gregory Witt created “Cloud,” a sculptural installation comprised of large gear-like styrofoam shapes that move […]

Important Portland Public City Council Meeting TONIGHT

I just heard about this, so I apologize for the late notice. Tonight there is a Public Safety meeting at 5pm in the City Council Chambers where this important issue for Portland live music and nightlife will be discussed. If you enjoy the live music scene and entertainment establishments in this city, please go to […]

Sunburned Hand Of The Man / Herb Diamante / Head of Wantastuquet / Planets Around The Sun

Blue Mire / Chip Means

Jennifer Matthews / Jesse Pilgrim / Dead End Armory

The Sam Anderson Band / The Class Machine / Elaine Lachica

The Accident That Led Me To The World

Model Airplane [farewell show] / Grant Street Orchestra

Brother Ali