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Waranimal Beach Party Video

I heard the Blndsght Tattoo shop closing party was wild, but this is way crazier than I could have imagined. Shoulda gone. The Waranimal guys party again, Hawaiian shirt-style, on the 29th at SPACE.

Cyborg Trio Giveaway

Fans of live electronica jam/dance music (yeah, I know you’re out there), check this out! Locals Cyborg Trio are running a giveaway contest (prizes outlined above) that should make any fan happy. Go here to enter.

Strange Maine Presents: Wumme / Tempera / Mr. Chris and the Instant Animals

Id M Theft Able + more

Buffalo Fantôme, acoustique

While on tour overseas, this website’s favorite band ever, Phantom Buffalo, played a few songs for the French site Citazine, including the below gem of a great rendition of their song “A Hilly Town.”

Check out the rest of the videos, including an amusing interview, here.

Fishtank Ensemble

Dooryard Art Walk Afterparty

First First Friday of 2011

A week into the new year and it’s already becoming clear that 2011 will be a very fun, very BIG year for a lot of what people have going on in Portland and all of Maine. I’m excited. I hope you are too. On to a few suggestions for the first First Friday Art Walk […]

Little Feat

Phantom Buffalo / Old Abram Brown

Country Night

Powerlines / Computer at Sea / Id m theftable

Ramblin\’ Red [cd release]

True at First Light: Blue Moon Tribe / Vince Nez / Taiko Maine Dojo / Phil James / Bollywood Dance

The Pubcrawlers / The Outsiders