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Isobell / Mystic Folk Opera / \’M OK

Isobell / The Watchmen / Smoke and Mirror Circus Extravaganza

Class Machine / 66 Breakout / Dead Cats Dead Rats / Isobell

Marion Grace / Isobell / Jacob Augustine

Spirit Animal / Metal Feathers / Isobell

Marie Stella / Isobell / Good Kids Sprouting Horns

Big Bang TV / Dead End Armoy / Isobell

Grand Opening: Blisters Grow / Isobell / South China / Tom Thumb / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper / Brown Bird

Frock \’n\’ Roll

Isobell / Full Contact Kitty / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Isobell / Marie Moreshead

Isobell (cd release) / Phantom Buffalo / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Dominic & The Lucid / Akudama / Isobell

Huak / Isobell

Full Contact Kitty / Isobell / The Class Machine