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Jesse Pilgrim

Valhalla Fields Summer Arts Festival

Jesse Pilgrim / Spirit and Dust

Eternal Otter Records Party: Aly Spaltro / TJ Metcalfe / Blaque Boose / Panda Bandits / Dana Gross / Jesse Pilgrim / Over A Cardboard Sea

Lewis The Swan / Bryan McPherson / The Dockside Saints / Jesse Pilgrim

Blood Warrior / The Honeydew Drops / Jesse Pilgrim

Jesse Pilgrim / Jakob Battick

Dog And Pony DVD Release: Jacob Augustine / Wes Hartley / Marie Stella / Jesse Pilgrim

Jennifer Matthews / Jesse Pilgrim / Dead End Armory

HillyTown OFFStage at SPACE Part 2 (Tomorrow!) + Stuff Tonight

Last week was incredible , starting with the loudest, most intense band possible (Haru Bangs) was absolutely the right idea. See for yourself in a couple weeks when [dog] and [pony] debut the first episodes of their HillyTown Presents concert video series.

In the meantime, let’s keep things moving with the shows. Round 2 of […]

Jennifer Matthews / Jesse Pilgrim / Dead End Armory

Jon Assam / Jesse Pilgrim / Cave Milk

HillyTown Presents: Panda Bandits + Dan Wholey (Earth People Orchestra) [Boston, MA] + Jesse Pilgrim

Dana Gross / Jesse Pilgrim

Tower Of Song Fest: Jesse Pilgrim

In an effort to help spread the word about the Tower Of Song Festival happening this Saturday, May 23rd, this is an introduction to the artists who will be performing above the corner of Congress and High throughout the day. Photos by Bryan Bruchman, interviews by Will Ethridge.

The first performer of the festival will […]