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Tower Of Song Fest: Samuel James

Local bluesman Samuel James is a busy guy. Not only does he hold down a Thursday night residency at Blue but he is regularly tapped for opening gigs for the likes of Johnny Winter and the like when he’s not touring the country. Between official gigs you can often find him playing somewhere around town, […]

Tower Of Song Fest: Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

If you’ve been paying any amount of attention to the Portland music scene (or, in particular, this site) for the past 6 months or so, then you’ve probably become fairly well-acquainted with the quirky experimental pop duo of Lady Lamb The Beekeeper. They first caught my attention back in November and have only gotten better, […]

Tower Of Song Fest: Dilly Dilly

Dilly Dilly has been through so many music scenes over the years, from touring the world with Cerberus Shoal (her former bandmate from that group, Chriss Sutherland, is also on this festival) to backing Sage Francis to teaming up with Sontiago (who she shares the 3:40pm slot with at this Saturday’s Tower Of Song Fest), […]

Tower Of Song Fest: Anna’s Ghost

As the latest addition to the (Tower Of Song-connected) Eternal Otter Records roster, Anna’s Ghost take the otherwise upbeat collective in a more somber, dramatic direction than some of the other acts involved. The group closes out the first set of the all-day festival tomorrow with a 1:10pm set.

Photos by Bryan Bruchman, interviews by […]

Tower Of Song Fest: Sontiago

Portland’s own queen of hip-hop, Sontiago is often joined by her partner-in-rhyme (sorry, couldn’t help it), Dilly Dilly. The two share the 3:40pm slot at this Saturday’s Tower Of Song Fest. I’ve gotta say, this was a really fun shoot…

Photos by Bryan Bruchman, interviews by Will Ethridge.

What was the most unusual place […]

Marie Stella / Elf Princess Gets a Harley / Meghan Yates

Bearkat & The Loblolly Boy / Rural Electric / The Lomax

Dan Blakeslee / Chris Moore

Villanelles / Starnes & Shah

Tower Of Song Fest: Johnny Fountain & The Manes

One of the central players in the Tower Of Song scene, Johnny Fountain plays host to the events, including Saturday’s festival, using his apartment as the venue from which the music is amplified throughout the streets of Portland. Along with his band, The Manes, Fountain lands in the penultimate slot on the festival, playing at […]

Neko Case / Lucy Wainwright Roche

Tower Of Song Fest: Over A Cardboard Sea

Photos by Bryan Bruchman, interviews by Will Ethridge.

Let the music speak for itself! Come on down to the Tower of Song and get your copy of Over A Cardboard Sea’s free mix CD! (the band lands right in the middle of the festival, playing at 3:05pm).

What was the most unusual place you’ve […]

Tower Of Song Fest: Jesse Pilgrim

In an effort to help spread the word about the Tower Of Song Festival happening this Saturday, May 23rd, this is an introduction to the artists who will be performing above the corner of Congress and High throughout the day. Photos by Bryan Bruchman, interviews by Will Ethridge.

The first performer of the festival will […]

Adam Kurtz / Shawn Saindon

Shell shag / Ye / the Rattlesnakes / Haru Bangs